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The Execution Of Excellence | Anthony Hales

Anthony Hales launched Hales Creative Solutions, LLC in 2014 to help state and local governments better communicate with their constituents and operate more efficiently in the new economy. He subsequently rebranded the firm as Bayne LLC in 2019.

On this episode, Anthony shares how he launched his business from scratch and his moment of truth. Listen as he shares the story of getting kicked off his college football team and how it transformed his life.

Anthony shares advice to his younger self and three key pieces of advice that he wishes he had growing up.

To contact Anthony, visit

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Anthony Hales

Gordon J Bernhardt

Author and Podcaster

President and founder of Bernhardt Wealth Management and author of Profiles in Success: Inspiration from Executive Leaders in the Washington D.C. Area. Gordon provides financial planning and wealth management services to affluent individuals, families and business owners throughout the Washington, DC area. Since establishing his firm in 1994, he and his team have been focused on providing high quality service and independent financial advice to help clients make informed decisions about their money.