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Born Rich, Became Poor, Never Defeated | SirDerrick Phantumhive

SirDerrick Phantumhive has been an entrepreneur since he was an 8-year-old kid. His parents were entrepreneurs & managers that taught him the value of working for someone else's business as well as being an owner of his own. He has been in financial services for 12 years as a financial planner, business consultant & financier.

SirDerrick helped raise over $400M in capital directly & built a network of brokers that has done over $3B in funding since 2017. Life Accomplishments: At 14 having to become the breadwinner of the house because his mom developed Skin & breast cancer. He started a video game store & selling T-shirts to pay the rent eventually going into small events that blessed him to travel around the country & the world.

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SirDerrick Phantumhive

Gordon J Bernhardt

Author and Podcaster

President and founder of Bernhardt Wealth Management and author of Profiles in Success: Inspiration from Executive Leaders in the Washington D.C. Area. Gordon provides financial planning and wealth management services to affluent individuals, families and business owners throughout the Washington, DC area. Since establishing his firm in 1994, he and his team have been focused on providing high quality service and independent financial advice to help clients make informed decisions about their money.